Tudor David

Oracle, Hardstrasse 201


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Research Interests

Software systems, distributed computing, blockchain technologies.

Short Bio

I'm a researcher at Oracle in Zurich, where I'm currently focusing on the design of a cloud analytics engine . Previously, I worked at IBM Research Zurich, where I mostly focused on the design of efficient and fair (byzantine) consensus protocols. I obtained a PhD 2017 from EPFL, in Lausanne, Switzerland, under the supervision of Prof. Rachid Guerraoui. While at EPFL, my research has addressed topcis such as concurrent (and durable) data structures and synchronization, as well as distributed protocols. During my PhD, I also spent time with VMware Research and Microsoft Research. I was a recipient of a Best Paper Award at the ACM Middleware Conference in 2014, and of a VMware academic fellowship in 2015-2016.

You can find a more detailed resume here .

Main Publications

Consensus Inside

Tudor David, Rachid Guerraoui, Maysam Yabandeh. Middleware 2014 (Best Paper Award).

Associated code here.